Literary Response: Robohnya surau kami by Ali Akbar Navis

BLINDNESS OF HEART M ahatma Gandhi said that Selfishness is blind, blind to what? Most people said it cause heart blindness. Thanks to Ali Akbar Navis for giving us the answer through his cosmic short story Robohnya surau kami . The story began from narrator`s memories about the faithful old man in the mosque. He was the mosque keeper until he died mysteriously there. Ali Akbar Navis carefully carved the quite complex conflict in the story, makes his theme about selfishness spread widely along the story. In the beginning, the conflict was come from people around kakek (the old man). Kakek gathered money from his Sharpening service, but sometimes people gave him cigarettes, sambal, or a stingy smile with thanks tone. “ Orang-orang perempuan yang minta tolong mengasahkan pisau atau gunting, memberinya sambal sebagai imbalan. Orang laki-laki yang minta tolong, memberinya imbalan rokok, kadang-kadang uang. Tapi yang paling sering diterimanya ialah ucapan terima kasih dan sedikit senyum”. ...