Oh! Bad dreams? Come on! My life is worst than your nightmare.
Here I am, a hopeless guy with an unknown background.
I can`t remember, who is my mother?
If I have no answer for my own past, many answer will come to my mind.
Maybe I am a worthy noble that had a terrible accident.
Damn! Maybe downtown will calm myself.
Ah! Fresh air, the worthy gift from God.
This spot will be good for me.
I see a beautiful lady with a black coat with a shining handbag. Come on, give this poor soul a coin.
Okay, maybe your smile will stop my stomach from barking.
Okay! Just walk away, silly people! And ignore my existence here!
Maybe another spot will give me another luck.
Nice tree, terrific smell of garbage, and good sight to see. Good place for gold mining!
Poor lady with a poor man, walking just like a young couple. You`ll never know when reaper scythe will end their life.
What are you looking at young boy? Spare a coin then you can insult me as you wish.
Ah! People won`t understand my hunger, I must find a food. At noon maybe Kugel Noodle have some foods to be put behind.
As I said before, I will find some foods here! And I have--Yeah! Spaghetti!
What is this? Yuck! Cockroach! You don`t have to waste my food! Go away! Like that, You must stay in the garbage, and isolate yourself there. I am getting nauseated to see your spiky feet.
Ahh.. Even though The food didn`t satisfy my stomach, I feel better now.
I never felt this good.
Now time to sleep!
Ow! Why you do that? I do no harm to you all. Am I do anything stupid? (I am not as stupid as you)
I don`t have five bucks!
Just hit me with your bottle, if I die, you won`t use that mufti suit again instead an orange uniform.
Fucking hoodlum!
And what`s this? What makes major`s bodyguards come to this place?
Offer me a benefit? Okay, you said I just follow you to your place, to find my real relatives?
Major? So I have a relation to our major? How so?
Hehehe . . . So my grandmother is his mother? How do I know? I never met her before.
Hmm.. your word is trustable and Logically, how they come to this silly place without an important order?
Maybe our major send you here to find me, his relatives, and bring me down to complete his lost family. Sounds weird, but it`s trustable.
I trust you. May goddess protect my steps.
What a nice car! I see people outside, and there are beggars! Poor soul! No luck for you except for me!
Hahaha! I will give all of you bounties later. Just wait Papa in your place!
Where am I?
Okay I just lie down in this white bed, okay.
Oh! I know! I must lie down here, and wait for the doctor, and he will fix this rusty teeth.
Okay! I must have a good appearance because I am the major`s relative.
Such a wonderful dream! I will swim in the blue pool with my relative, I will have a jog in the park, I will have a wife and we will spend our life together in the apartment. I will buy kugel noodle`s restaurant and I will announce a free food event for beggars on Friday.
Oh! The Doctor is coming! I won`t be afraid. I must act like a noble.
Okay, The doctor injected something to my hand.
Okay, He pull my rusty teeth. Easy doc, Don`t treat my teeth so bad.
Okay, why he use a marker? As a noble I must remain silent.
Okay, he marked my body. He gave stripe lines below my navel.
Oh god! He use a scalpel, he want to dismember me! But as a noble, I must have a positive thinking! He might want to clean my stomach because I ate something dirty at noon.
Why he put off my kidney? Ah! Maybe he put it off to make this surgical operation runs without any trouble.
What? Wait! Another kidney? You must be fucking kidding me. Hey! As a noble you must protect your language.
I am getting drowsy now, okay you can put half of my guts to clean my stomach. I must sleep, I must say this to Doc “ If I sleep, you can remove my heart as in the drawing beside me to clear your surgical operation and don`t take my brain! You will kill me if you put off my brain and you will be arrested for my will. I will die in suffer if that thing happened, so don`t you ever take my brain. And one more thing, don`t forget to put my organ back and wake me up soon after this operation done. Then I will meet my worthy relative that missed me so much. And one more thing, Give my thanks to the bodyguards, without them i am just a poor guy with endless suffer”.
Img Source : https://mythotherapy.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/dark-alley.png
Here I am, a hopeless guy with an unknown background.
I can`t remember, who is my mother?
If I have no answer for my own past, many answer will come to my mind.
Maybe I am a worthy noble that had a terrible accident.
Damn! Maybe downtown will calm myself.
Ah! Fresh air, the worthy gift from God.
This spot will be good for me.

I see a beautiful lady with a black coat with a shining handbag. Come on, give this poor soul a coin.
Okay, maybe your smile will stop my stomach from barking.
Okay! Just walk away, silly people! And ignore my existence here!
Maybe another spot will give me another luck.
Nice tree, terrific smell of garbage, and good sight to see. Good place for gold mining!
Poor lady with a poor man, walking just like a young couple. You`ll never know when reaper scythe will end their life.
What are you looking at young boy? Spare a coin then you can insult me as you wish.
Ah! People won`t understand my hunger, I must find a food. At noon maybe Kugel Noodle have some foods to be put behind.
As I said before, I will find some foods here! And I have--Yeah! Spaghetti!
What is this? Yuck! Cockroach! You don`t have to waste my food! Go away! Like that, You must stay in the garbage, and isolate yourself there. I am getting nauseated to see your spiky feet.
Ahh.. Even though The food didn`t satisfy my stomach, I feel better now.
I never felt this good.
Now time to sleep!
Ow! Why you do that? I do no harm to you all. Am I do anything stupid? (I am not as stupid as you)
I don`t have five bucks!
Just hit me with your bottle, if I die, you won`t use that mufti suit again instead an orange uniform.
Fucking hoodlum!
And what`s this? What makes major`s bodyguards come to this place?
Offer me a benefit? Okay, you said I just follow you to your place, to find my real relatives?
Major? So I have a relation to our major? How so?
Hehehe . . . So my grandmother is his mother? How do I know? I never met her before.
Hmm.. your word is trustable and Logically, how they come to this silly place without an important order?
Maybe our major send you here to find me, his relatives, and bring me down to complete his lost family. Sounds weird, but it`s trustable.
I trust you. May goddess protect my steps.
What a nice car! I see people outside, and there are beggars! Poor soul! No luck for you except for me!
Hahaha! I will give all of you bounties later. Just wait Papa in your place!
Where am I?
Okay I just lie down in this white bed, okay.
Oh! I know! I must lie down here, and wait for the doctor, and he will fix this rusty teeth.
Okay! I must have a good appearance because I am the major`s relative.
Such a wonderful dream! I will swim in the blue pool with my relative, I will have a jog in the park, I will have a wife and we will spend our life together in the apartment. I will buy kugel noodle`s restaurant and I will announce a free food event for beggars on Friday.
Oh! The Doctor is coming! I won`t be afraid. I must act like a noble.
Okay, The doctor injected something to my hand.
Okay, He pull my rusty teeth. Easy doc, Don`t treat my teeth so bad.
Okay, why he use a marker? As a noble I must remain silent.
Okay, he marked my body. He gave stripe lines below my navel.
Oh god! He use a scalpel, he want to dismember me! But as a noble, I must have a positive thinking! He might want to clean my stomach because I ate something dirty at noon.
Why he put off my kidney? Ah! Maybe he put it off to make this surgical operation runs without any trouble.
What? Wait! Another kidney? You must be fucking kidding me. Hey! As a noble you must protect your language.
I am getting drowsy now, okay you can put half of my guts to clean my stomach. I must sleep, I must say this to Doc “ If I sleep, you can remove my heart as in the drawing beside me to clear your surgical operation and don`t take my brain! You will kill me if you put off my brain and you will be arrested for my will. I will die in suffer if that thing happened, so don`t you ever take my brain. And one more thing, don`t forget to put my organ back and wake me up soon after this operation done. Then I will meet my worthy relative that missed me so much. And one more thing, Give my thanks to the bodyguards, without them i am just a poor guy with endless suffer”.
Img Source : https://mythotherapy.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/dark-alley.png
Nice nice (y)
ReplyDeletehehehe.. thank you for read my story..
Deletewhai yu du dis tu mi whai. No more psycopath thing argh.
ReplyDeletebut i can relate. gud gud.
lol wkwkwkwk..
Deletedon't blame me.
but i am glad you enjoy my story :'v