The Cop
Seen Cops a few days ago, and then something popped out from my mind then Tadaaa! this short story finally finished! Enjoy it! Don`t forget to leave a comment! :D
The Cop

The cop said the woman was raped before the murderer ended her life. But his colleague, Dr. Jonathan, said a different thing about that. He said that the rape was done long ago, but she decided to end her life because she couldn`t bear the shame. The cop was completely disagree for what Dr. Jonathan said because firstly Dr. Jonathan had no clue to prove, secondly the cop wouldn`t be promoted if he couldn`t solve the case. Then General Lothfana came there as an arbiter to end the conflict between the cop and Dr. Jonathan by suggested the woman to be checked by autopsy team.
2 days, it took 2 days for them to identify the cause of death of that woman. Then the autopsy team said the results would be announced in Friday at 7 PM in Washington Police Department in Murdering Case division room. The cop`s heart rumbled feared that his opinion was totally wrong. It would cost him 3 years to get promoted again if he failed this case. So he turned his car on, and drove to the Willingwood Hospital to see the Autopsy team leader; Albert Dunsany. Once he arrived he hurried himself then go to the Autopsy room. He could see that Albert sat on his comfy seat while reading “The Cask of Amontillado” book. Awared of the cop`s appearance, Albert stood and said.
“Well well, what are you doin` here floppy?”
“Tell me about the autopsy`s result! What happened to her?” He raced to Albert and point his finger to the dead woman on the bed.
“Well, I won`t tell you all about her. But Dr. Jonathan is right, she was raped about 5 months ago, and I could see the fetus has been grown to a healthy baby inside her before she died. And once I took the DNA test, I was shocked that I . . .”
Bang! The cop shot Albert right on his forehead.
“It won`t be happened Albert . . .”
The room that once echoed by the gun`s burst, now turned out to silence.
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